Gökçesu Görsel

SU Gender Education Coordinator

As of January 2024, Gökçesu Özgül has been working as the Education Coordinator at SU Gender. After graduating from the Faculty of Law, she completed her master’s degree in Private Law at Galatasaray University, focusing on the implementation of Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women and protective measures. She has worked as a coordinator in civil society organizations, organized training programs on political participation, leadership, and labor for women’s groups, conducted training of trainers, and delivered educational sessions.

In 2019, she taught a course on children's rights and law at Medipol University and later provided consultancy for various projects aimed at empowering local and refugee women. This included developing and implementing training content and supporting the professional development of trainers. For two years, she worked as a project coordinator at a social enterprise, where she delivered and coordinated equality, diversity, and inclusion training programs for the private sector.